UA Local 100 - Dallas
Serving the Plumbing and Piping Needs of the Greater Dallas Area

About UA Local 100 Dallas

UA Local 100 is dedicated to the fundamental labor principles of providing gainful employment and safe working conditions for our members.
From quality training to secure fair compensation and reasonable benefits, Local 100 works to ensure all of our working and retired members are taken care of.
In our committed to providing a high quality workforce, our state-of-the-art training center and programs provide both our five-year apprenticeship training as well as upgrade classes for journeymen.
UA Local 100’s Jurisdiction
UA Local 100 represents pipe trades apprentices and journeymen in 34 Texas counties and one county in Arkansas. The Local 100 union hall and training center are located at the same address in Mesquite, Texas.Interested in joining the professionals in the Dallas area?

UA 100 Contact Information
- Ben Bradshaw, Business Manager
- 3010 Interstate 30, Mesquite, TX 75150
- (214) 341.8606
- (214) 341-2223